New Beginnings (Part 8)

I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put aa new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. (Psalm 40:1-3 ESV).

I’m writing today’s devotional late on a Friday afternoon with music videos streaming on the television. Mary is sitting next to me listening while reading a book. The video we selected was “Best Songs from 1967.” That was our senior year in high school. As one song plays after another, we have been challenging each other to remember the group’s name and where we first heard the song. I must confess my memory is not as good as it once might have been. All music has a powerful influence on our lives. Many of us have favorite musical groups and can recite lyrics from memory. Older believers can recite the words of songs they learned as young children, even in a different language. Rhythm and rhyme can leave powerful impressions on our minds.

The creation that once resonated with the sound of God’s glory is now out of tune as we find ourselves in the mud and mire of life. We can all recite our litany of troubles, and if we’re honest, we know the powerful impressions that sin has left on our minds. But this is not the end of humanity’s song. The psalmist has heard another melody that drowns out the off-key notes of sin and brokenness. God has provided redemption from sin. The Lord has given his people a firm place to stand. He rewards those who trust in him. God is pleased to help those who turn to him.

This is a song of grace. This is the real “Best Song” of any age! Remember this song! It will encourage you in times of difficulty like no other as it reminds you of the unfailing love of your heavenly Father.